Friday, April 10, 2020

001: New city, new life...or so I thought

As I stepped through the front door of the airport and looked around. The first thing I noticed was that there was traffic everywhere. It was hot and humid, much like home. As a brand new Benefactor XLS  pulled up, the window rolled down. "Are you Viktor?" a voice asked from inside the car.
"Yeah." I said.
The driver put the car in park, and popped the rear hatch door. I put my bags into the cargo area and climbed into the back door. As I closed the door, the driver said "You can sit up here.."
I got out and sat up front. As the door closed, the car began to move.

"Have a good flight?" the driver asked with a thick middle eastern accent.
"I did. For the most part." I said.
"Good. I'm Tareq, by the way." He said, offering his hand.
I shook his hand, and said "Viktor."
"So. What brings you to Los Santos?" he asked.
"Business. Sergei offered me a position I couldn't refuse." I said.
"Ah. Yes, same with me." Tareq said.

As we drove, we talked about the latest news, the weather, and life. I got a good impression of Tareq. 
As we pulled up to our stop, I looked around.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"This is Maisonette: Los Santos." he said.
" in...Gay Tony's club?" I asked.
"Yes, you know Tony?" Tareq asked.
"I did a few jobs for him back in LC." I said.
"Well, small world. He's here now." Tareq said.

As he pulled into the garage door in the back of the building, I got a feeling things were about to become...interesting.

To Be Continued.